Explore mobility data in Helsinki.

Mobility Data Catalog provides access to diverse mobility-related data available in the Helsinki region. This data enables development of better services in diverse use cases.

The catalog acts as an intermediary service for several data providers, both public and private. It is complementary to other data providers, such as Helsinki Region Infoshare (HRI), avoindata.fi and Digitraffic. Also, it includes data produced by many pilots and experiments conducted by Forum Virium Helsinki and the City of Helsinki.

It presents data about traffic, infrastructure, and conditions and context. The categories are based on the concept of the Digital Twin for Mobility.

Data from the infrastructure creates a stable base for the model with a static environment and objects. Traffic flows creates a comprehensive understanding of various situation-specific throughput and travel times. Conditions and context data provides information about dynamic and static factors affecting urban traffic.

We welcome everyone to utilise and complement the data in the catalog. If you’d like to add your own data set to the catalog, use the form below or contact us. Information details below the catalog.

How to add your own data?

To submit a dataset for consideration and publication as part of the Mobility Data Catalog, please use this form or contact jussi.knuuttila@forumvirium.fi.





Latest update (13 August 2024): Telraam traffic camera: Mechelininkatu, Helsinki

Jussi Knuuttila
Project Manager
+358 40 671 4200